Style resume. Yoshida Katsuyuki #10

Text:Kenichi Aono

Edit:Yusuke Suzuki and Miyoko Hashimoto


Whether it's fashion, music, or sports, there is a style that only each person can bring out in any genre. "Style is Everything." That's right, someone said that style is everything. "Style Resume" is a series of interviews with adults who literally have style. Updated every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday, the fourth installment traces the life story of Katsuyuki Yoshida, founder of Porter Classic.

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10. You can create more amazing things than you can buy.

I was inspired by my encounter with a worn-out karate uniform in Boston, but I've always loved flea markets and antique markets, and I've been visiting them all the time. When I go around like that, I sometimes come across things from overseas that are made using similar techniques to old Japanese techniques, and it's interesting to discover things like that.

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