Resume of Style. Nobuhiko Kitamura #9

Text:Kenichi Aono

Edit:Suzuki Yusuke


Be it fashion, music or sports, there is a style that only each person can bring out in any genre. “Style is Everything.” That’s right, someone once said that style is everything. “Style Resume” is a series of interviews with adults who, as the name suggests, have style. Updated every Monday, Wednesday and Friday, the sixth installment is the story of Nobuhiko Kitamura, designer for HYSTERIC GLAMOUR, who lives his life with music.

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09. Go to New York to meet Andy Warhol.

In 1985, the French company et vous said they wanted to license HYSTERIC. Thinking that this might be a chance, I decided to go to Paris with Ozone designer Yamaguchi-san (Yamaguchi Katsuzo). As Yamaguchi-san guided me around Les Halles and the wholesale district, there were a lot of knockoffs of the designs I had exhibited at the first exhibition, such as the tin robot pattern. It was overseas, but I was a little happy about that. I copied it because I thought it was good.

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