Resume of Style. Nobuhiko Kitamura #7

Text:Kenichi Aono

Edit:Suzuki Yusuke


Be it fashion, music or sports, there is a style that only each person can bring out in any genre. “Style is Everything.” That’s right, someone once said that style is everything. “Style Resume” is a series of interviews with adults who, as the name suggests, have style. Updated every Monday, Wednesday and Friday, the sixth installment is the story of Nobuhiko Kitamura, designer for HYSTERIC GLAMOUR, who lives his life with music.

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07. A part-time job leads to the creation of one's own brand.

When I was finishing my second year at Tokyo Mode Gakuen, my friend Yoshio Wakatsuki (a director) who was also studying business at the same school graduated before me. Wakatsuki got a job at a company that was directing Kansai Yamamoto's shows, and they were short-staffed, so I started working there part-time.

I also got a part-time job drawing design drawings through an introduction from another classmate who joined Ozone Community in sales. When I brought in design drawings, they bought them for 2,000 yen each, and if I added color variations, they bought them for 3,000 yen. With that, I was able to buy a record.

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