Style Resume. Nobuhiko Kitamura #2

Text:Kenichi Aono

Edit:Suzuki Yusuke


Be it fashion, music or sports, there is a style that only each person can bring out in any genre. “Style is Everything.” That’s right, someone once said that style is everything. “Style Resume” is a series of interviews with adults who, as the name suggests, have style. Updated every Monday, Wednesday and Friday, the sixth installment is the story of Nobuhiko Kitamura, designer for HYSTERIC GLAMOUR, who lives his life with music.

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02. On the way to elementary school, I went from Sangenjaya to Kasukabe City.

When I was in the first or second grade of elementary school, it was popular for us to listen to the hit "Kuroneko no Tango" and its B-side "Nikki Nyakki", followed by The Folk Crusaders' "Yopparai Kaettekita". We didn't just listen to it, we closed the shutters, darkened the room, covered the room with mattresses and futons, and everyone lay face down on them, and then we played "Yopparai Kaettekita". There is a sutra at the end of that song, and looking back, that was my first psychedelic experience. At that time, ghosts and the occult were also popular, and I think I was interested in a world different from reality.

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