Whether it's fashion, music, or sports, there is a style that only each person can have in any genre. "Style is Everything." That's right, someone said that style is everything. "Style Resume" is a series of interviews with adults who literally have style. Updated every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday, the fifth installment traces the life story of Shinichi Nakasone, the owner of the Harajuku import shop "Labrador Retriever."
07. "The Great Escape" and military trivia.
When I joined Backdrop in 1977, it was a time when everyone was desperately reading "Made in USA catalog" and the newly launched "POPEYE" that were trying hard to introduce American culture. Backdrop dealt in second-hand clothes, but jeans and denim jackets didn't sell very well at the time. So what was selling was military items. The reason was that we could talk about the details. There were a lot of military enthusiasts at that time.
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