Resume of Style. Shinichi Nakasone #5

Text:Kenichi Aono

Edit:Yusuke Suzuki and Miyoko Hashimoto


Whether it's fashion, music, or sports, there is a style that only each person can have in any genre. "Style is Everything." That's right, someone said that style is everything. "Style Resume" is a series of interviews with adults who literally have style. Updated every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday, the fifth installment traces the life story of Shinichi Nakasone, the owner of the Harajuku import shop "Labrador Retriever."

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05. When I was longing for "Our Journey".

When I first came to Tokyo, I was fascinated by Masatoshi Nakamura and the world of the TV drama "Our Journey" (1975-1976). I decided to live near Kichijoji because of that admiration. I can still picture my memories of that time, taking a bus from Kichijoji in the pouring rain and going through that area in June. I don't know why, but I remember everything visually, not in words or sentences.

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