Resume of Style. Shinichi Nakasone #3

Text:Kenichi Aono

Edit:Yusuke Suzuki and Miyoko Hashimoto


Whether it's fashion, music, or sports, there is a style that only each person can have in any genre. "Style is Everything." That's right, someone said that style is everything. "Style Resume" is a series of interviews with adults who literally have style. Updated every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday, the fifth installment traces the life story of Shinichi Nakasone, the owner of the Harajuku import shop "Labrador Retriever."

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03. I became obsessed with folk music and my fashion sense changed.

In high school, I joined the handball club because I didn't want to have to shave my head in the baseball club. It was around the time when the popularity of group sounds in the 1960s was going through its peak and was coming to an end, so everyone started growing their hair out, and I did too. At that time, what we would now call power harassment was common in club activities. I felt a sense of rebellion against that. Then, one day, a medical checkup revealed that my kidneys were not good for intense exercise and keeping my body cool. So I had to quit the club.

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