The ABCs of cooking

Chapter 04



Text:Keisuke Kimura

Edit:Yuri Sudo

Special Thanks:ABC Cooking Studio


HANG OUT VOL.5The ABCs of cooking

Kaji Yuta starts cooking.

Even if you decide to "start cooking," beginners are afraid of holding a knife, don't want to fail, and don't know where to start. Before you know it, you'll find yourself heading to the convenience store and opening a delivery app... I understand, I totally understand! But it's okay. Stylist Kaji was like that until recently.

Chapter 04 | The ABCs of cooking

Yuuta Kaji

Born in Tokyo in 1974. After working as an assistant, she started her career as a stylist in 1998. While working in a wide range of fields including magazines, advertising, and movies, she continues to express herself in a variety of genres, including video production and writing, and in 2020 launched her own brand, SANSE SANSE. Although she had little experience in cooking, she began attending ABC Cooking Studio in 2023.

Instagram: @yutakaji_

This year, I'll do it!

On this day, Kaji and I visited ABC Cooking Studio, a cooking school with about 100 branches across Japan that is a proud Japanese company. They offer a wide variety of cooking classes, from beginner to advanced courses.

There is a wide variety of instructors and they are located in many places, so you can choose an instructor that suits you, or choose a location. What's more, first-timers can take a trial lesson for 550 yen.

The recipes are all ones that the product development department has arrived at through repeated trial and error. These recipes are quick, easy, and delicious, and you won't find them on YouTube or on any of the famous cooking recipe sites.

So, Kaji-san. Wanting to become a man who can cook, he has been attending this class since 2023. He has attended the class about six times so far. He hadn't cooked since "home economics class," so at first he didn't even know how to hold a knife, and even washing the dishes was a dangerous situation.

And at the start of the new year in 2025, he went to "ABC Cooking Studio" for the first time in a long while. "This year, I'm going to become a man who can really cook," he said, and off he went.

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